Period: Civil War
Capacity: 4 with 2 kit

    Height Length Width Wall height
      Feet Metres Feet Metres Feet Metres Feet Metres
    Standard 7' 2.15m 12' 2.65m 9' 2.75m 3' 0.90m

Wall tents were, in effect, four-sided shelters with a peaked central roof that slopes down to the lower canvas walls. First used during the Civil War as hospital tents – the Wall Tents could house up to Eight men at any one time. However, we'd recommend up to 4 with kit as everyone enjoys their own personal space!

Please choose the size of tent needed (where applicable). This will then open a list of options available:

You can now choose an additional colour for your tent to alternate with the natural. As standard your tent will come with all panels in "Natural" white. Additional colours cost 25% on top of the canvas price (Tent, awning and awning walls).

(For multi-coloured or all solid colour tents please phone for options.)

* Please note colours are approximate.

These tents have the option to have pinstriping at an additional cost. It's a beautiful effect of hand-stiching lines down the tent canvas. This is yet another way to customise your tent further and truly make it unique to you!

Please add Pin Striping to my tent Pin Striping

Fire Retardant
As a standard option for all our tents we offer Fire Retardancy at an additonal cost. It's an option that's well worth considering - not only if you plan to have it near a campire or cooking stove, but if you plan on taking your tent to an event. A common question on whether you're allowed to bring your tent to a venue is whether it's fire retardant. Please contact us if you're unsure as to whether this is an option for you.

Please bear in mind that making your tent Fire Retardant will slightly darken the colour. Please refer to the colour chart above to see an approximation of how your finished tent will look.

Please make my tent Fire Retardant

Order Confirmation
If you're happy with the way you've customised your tent, click Confirm Order to proceed to the next stage.